What if I told you world hunger was strategically implemented to depopulate the world; would you either consider that statement and do some research for yourself or would you call me a conspiracy theory nut. Well for the first group your in luck, I've done the research for you, and for the second group...oh well you can continue to keep the blinders on, spend all your free time in front of the idiot box and continue to believe everything CNN, FOX and MSNBC tells you about American's foreign policy.
Let me first introduce you to the NSA ...The National Security Agency (NSA) is a US intelligence agency responsible for global monitoring, collection, decoding, translation and analysis of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes - a discipline known as Signals intelligence (SIGINT). NSA is also charged with protection of U.S. government communications and information systems against penetration and network warfare. The agency is authorized to accomplish its mission through clandestine means, among which are bugging electronic systems and allegedly engaging in sabotage through subversive software.
Secondly let me introduce you to the Infamous Henry Kissinger, who served as the National Security Adviser for both President Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. While in this position Kissinger engineered the NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum) which is a 200 page document stating that overpopulated third world countries would deem to be a security risk to the United States. There are 13 countries on his "hit list"...India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia.clandestine means...an intelligence or military operation carried out in such a way that the operation goes unnoticed by the general population.
Okay so what does Mr. Kissinger suggest we do about this "over population" problem in these other continents that somehow threatens us (which sounds and is ridiculous)? Well you ready for this? The document outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine. Thats right, Kissinger suggested playing God by using sterilization, poisoning water supplies, starting civil wars within that region (Dafur, Rawanda and yes most everywhere in the Middle East) and famine as a depopulation tool for MURDER...murder of millions of men, women and children all in the name of "National Security". The report advocates the promotion of education and contraception and other population control measures, stating for instance that "No country has reduced its population growth without resorting to abortion". But I'm sure you feel our federal government wouldn't consider something so demonic and murderous, wrong they did, NSSM 200 was made an official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford... and no NBC, ABC or CBS didn't report on it and still won't. Check the document for yourself and scan over it.
It comes a time as a people we must choose to seek out truth for ourselves, don't be spoon fed lies, deceit and deceptions. World hunger is not a problem God just happen to overlook when he created us, we have over and abundant, but no world hunger is a designed weapon used by Satan and some of these wicked elitist that follow him. So not to discourage you from giving but... late at night when you see these children starving to death with flies buzzing around them, KNOW this is what big government is choosing to partake in. Check this statistic out...
The cost to end world hunger…
— $30 billion per year is needed to end world hunger
— $737 billion per year is the amount Congress spends on Defense
Zechariah 8:13...These are the things you shall do:
Speak each man the truth to his neighbor;
Give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace;
So you may ask what does this man have to do with our government and its policies now, well lets check out this Washington Post article by Henry Kissinger himself. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/04/AR2008120402863.html
Yes Henry Kissinger is still alive and well within the white house walls, still shaping and molding our foreign policies and also advising the head honcho himself, President Barack Obama.
So my homework for you is to THINK, THINK, STAY AWOKE AND THINK SOME MORE. Is the presidents decision to bomb Syria and other countries a way of combating ISIS and other Islamic extremists OR a way of depopulating (killing) innocent people.
It is time we sit down the remote, jim jones kool-aid and pick up the word of God... These things are already written and are happening NOW!!
Matthew 24:3-14 ...And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...
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